The healthier, the safer
From copulation to conception and the eventual child delivery, the vaginal has a vital role in the reproductive course. This means that the health of this vital organ is non negotiable before, during and after pregnancy.
Normal Changes
During pregnancy, the vagina may experience some normal pregnancy related changes. These are considered normal because they are not caused by a pre existing condition, usually have mild symptoms, require mild treatment and often disappear after child delivery. These changes includes;
✓ Spotting in early pregnancy may be caused by the implantation of the egg in the uterus lining or the increased blood volume. Bloody discharge called bloody show in the latter stage of pregnancy may indicate that labor has begun.
✓ Vaginal discharge could be caused by the increase in blood volume and flow or by high levels of pregnancy hormones.
✓ Vaginal infections like yeast and bacteria infections is experienced by pregnant women because of the altered pH-balance of the organ.
✓ Swelling of the labia and vagina as a result of the increase in the blood flow to the area.
✓ Varicose veins in the vulva and vaginal areas is often caused by the increase in blood volume.
Extreme Conditions.
It is important to watch out for certain vaginal conditions during the gestational period. These conditions may be harmful to both mother and baby.
☑ Unexplained Vaginal bleeding:
Bleeding which occurs during the second or third trimester (especially when the due date is not near) could be a sign of preterm labor or miscarriage. Cramp-like feeling, pains, heavy bleeding and the passing of tissue are more reasons to treat it as an emergency.
☑ Recurrent and increased vaginal discharge:
To the extent of which milky, thin and mild smelling vaginal discharge is normal during pregnancy, an increase in its volume, irritation and severe itchiness coupled with pungent odor is a cause for medical concern. Recurrent vaginal infection means that the treatment process is not completed or effective. Meanwhile, untreated infections like bacterial vaginosis is being linked to preterm labor and low birth weight. Also, vaginal thrush could increase the chance of the baby getting infected in the course of delivery.
Being Pregnant and a healthier Vagina
The health of the vagina is as important as keeping the fetus safe from risk factors like infections and preterm delivery, maintaining a healthy and accommodating end of the delivery tract as well as making pregnancy comfortable. Here are some tips to make these goals achievable.
✓ It is important to treat preexisting conditions like UTI and other vagina issues before conception in a bid to eliminate the chance of its deterioration.
✓ Maintaining personal hygiene especially in relation to underwear is necessary for a healthy vagina.
✓ Practicing safe sex reduces the risk of STDs and other infections.
✓ Pregnant moms should beware of using scented pads and perfumed soaps and creams on the vagina. They may contain ingredients which would cause more irritation.
✓ It is safer to dry the external parts with a clean dry towel after bath or clean up. Moisty environments are preferred by bacteria.
✓ Eliminating douching during pregnancy (and every other time) is key to keeping the natural flora of the vagina intact and preventing infections.
✓ Wiping from front to back after bowel movement is medically advised. This act prevents bacteria from the anus from getting in the vagina area.
✓ Yoghurt is encouraged as a nutritious food essential for vaginal health.
✓ Wearing loose fitting clothing during pregnancy is not only comfortable, it is also beneficial for maintaining a healthy vagina.
✓ Eating nutritious food, staying hydrated and exercising ensures general wellbeing.
✓ Consult your medical caregivers as soon as you notice strange developments.